The Players Championship Guide 2017 - "You need to know about MedZone"

MedZone was featured in a Florida Golf Product Review Guide for its product line and how it helps golfers.  Writer Kathy Bissell wrote, "You need to know about MedZone...."  In the annual, The Players Championship Guide 2017, Bissell used all of the products and singled out the BlisterZone as helping her feet prevent blisters.  Bissell was introduced to MedZone at the 2017 PGA Merchandise Show and after using the products included the product line in The Players Championship Guide 2017. 

MedZone continues to grow a customer following in golf due to the effectiveness of the product to help manage golfer's elbow, prevent blisters and chafing in golfers and caddies at all levels.

The players championship guide 2017

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